Transfer noun. (transˈfər)

In some transportation systems, a ticket given or sold to the passenger to enable them to continue their journey to another point.


Welcome to Transfer Magazine's Submittable page! This is a literary magazine located in San Francisco, CA, completely operated by San Francisco State University students in the Creative Writing department. We appreciate your interest in our magazine. Any questions can always be emailed to

Please select either art submissions or writing submissions below to find out more about each topic and submission information. 


  1. We do not accept previously published work.
  2. Please submit each of your creative pieces as individual documents.
  3. Please submit your piece(s) as PDF or DOC or DOCX. (Ex: Submission Title.pdf) 
  4. Please remove your name from all pages of your submission documents.
  5. Please include the title of your piece on your document, otherwise the title will be the first line.
  6. Please verify that you are enrolled in SFSU by including your SFSU email in your cover letter, or submitting from an SFSU email.
  7. Please include a short bio that will be published in the magazine should your work be chosen for publication. Bios must be written in the third person and include your preferred name and pronouns. Ex: John Doe (they/them) is an SFSU student.


 *Fiction and creative non-fiction:

  • Submit up to five fiction or creative non-fiction pieces
  • Each submission should be twenty pages or less.


  • Submit up to five poems
  • Each submission should be ten pages or less.


  • Submit up to three works of drama
  • Each submission should be fifteen pages or less


  • Who can submit?

Only San Francisco State University students can submit. If you are a current student, you can submit. If you have recently graduated, you may submit to the first issue published after your graduation.

  • How can I join the staff?

As an SFSU student, you must first take CW 640. Then if a position opens up, you may apply. Every semester the Fiction and Poetry Editor positions usually become available while the Editor in Chief and Managing Editor positions do not. If a position is not filled, the Transfer team will solicit Creative Writing majors to fill the positions.

  • I'm an SF State student. Aren't I guaranteed to be published?

No, you are not guaranteed to be published. The decision process is in the hands of the poetry and fiction editors. Occasionally, an executive decision to publish or not publish something will be made by the Editor in Chief. * Please do not submit more than the maximum number of works for each respective genre. If you submit more than the maximum number of works the editors will only review the first few of your submissions. Thank you.


Transfer Magazine